Anybody that says that they know exactly how the future of AI is going to play out in the next 5-10 years is overconfident at best and a charlatan at worst. What we do know is that like any new technology, it’s going to change the creator economy.
I implore you to pay attention to the field.
Speed of action, iteration, and test/learn will accelerate your path to success.
The above sentence isn’t about AI as much as it is about staying on the forefront of technology.
Electric cutting machines didn’t eliminate coal miners’ jobs entirely. It did eliminate some, but it more so made operations more efficient allowing for more profit per human worker.
The same goes for advanced video editing software, sales systems, website builders like WordPress, etc.. It allowed less people to do more with even less skill than it took previously.
AI tools to make creators more efficient. It’s a lever to create more output. Whether that output is text, images, videos, or any marketing material. This can give you an enormous advantage.
Outside of it being a lever for output, using these tools to expand your thinking to become more creative is going to be the ultimate “hack”.
This is a fast moving field so this post will quickly become obsolete. However, it will take years for many of these tools to catch up to the normie world. While it seems like everyone knows about ChatGPT and DALL-E 2, it’s only because you’re surrounded by creators. has been around for 2 years and most people in Corporate America have never even heard of it.
Go talk to Susie or anybody at the office and realize most don’t have the faintest idea of what’s going on.
This is your chance to use these tools and get ahead of the game. (or at least keep up with the creator community)
Let’s take an example of the below two videos. They’re not great, but they were created to prove a point. The task in my mind is how quickly can I create a format for video that’s repeatable so that I can pump out video content.