You don’t know how good you have it. When starting out with an online business, your opportunity to find success beats enterprise in almost every aspect.
No excuses.
This post will focus on the enterprise product ecommerce aspect as that’s what I’m most familiar with at an enterprise level. As we dive into the solo ecommerce parts, I’ll broaden away from physical ecommerce and look at other online business models too.

This is probably the biggest advantage you have. Modern technology has made it so that almost anyone can get anything done for a few hundred bucks.
Let’s look at a typical enterprise martech stack to see how convoluted this is. Note that not all enterprise brands are going to have all of these. On the flip side, some enterprise brands have way more than this to integrate.
Each of the below generally cost $100k or more.
Salesforce/Magento or the like. Most enterprise CMS’s aren’t very simple or cheap. The range of cost for an enterprise CMS setup ranges from $100k to over $1M a year.
On top of that, you’re going to need *at least* one full time developer.