I am not going to give you an idea. What I will do is give you a framework that I think will help you find an idea. It’s going to take work and time so prepare yourself…
I think the problem most people have is two fold.
They have a ton of limiting beliefs. We all have them. Myself included. Some people just have more limiting beliefs than others.
“That won’t work”
“Nobody will buy that”
“Nobody will pay that price”
“Market’s too saturated”
“Market’s not big enough”
“I’m not smart enough”
and on and on and on…
Ignorance to business. Most people understand very little about the value chain and the amount of businesses that exist. They’re stuck in their little piece of 9-5 and don’t notice the rest of the world and how it works. If you don’t know it’s out there, how business is done, and the economics behind everything, your brain is very limited to what you can ideate.
Limiting Beliefs
Motivational porn gets a bad rap (by me), but the truth is, this is a lot of people’s problem. They don’t believe in themselves or believe in anything. Always too quick to dismiss everything because they don’t understand it.
Let’s debunk a few of these.
Too Saturated - Almost no market is “too saturated”. Some markets may be more difficult than others. Some markets may be difficult for you to differentiate your brand/product/service.
That’s a skillset problem, not a market problem. So what’s a market that’s “too saturated”? What about salt? There can’t be room to build a business around that can there?