Hi Opossum, thanks for all the value you bring.

We have a small e-commerce supplement brand that we've been working on nights and weekends on top of the normal career. We have a small email list from word of mouth and reaching out to close contacts but it's time to drive more traffic.

What would be your top recommendation to start getting more emails and driving traffic? We're continually rejected by FB ads due to being a health supplement and trying to work on the highest leverage point for now.


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If your question is how to get more *emails*, then you have to get more traffic somehow. Email collection for B2C is a secondary consequence of having traffic and sales. It's not like it's a good idea to scrape random emails and do max blast.

Now if your question is to how to grow your traffic... That's a much easier question.

1. Figure out what you're doing wrong on FB to get rejected.

2. Utilize TikTok/Instagram funnels and do giveaways for your product. Hell any organic channel that you can get eyeballs, giveaways are a great way to get more eyeballs/traffic/emails.

3. Look at free product listings on Google and Google PLA ads.

4. Cold outreach to micro influencers to partner with.

5. Become an affiliate merchant, have an enormously juicy offer for your affiliates, reach out to recruit affiliates.

6. Incentivize your customers to get 50% off if their friends purchase.

I'd personally start with 2, 4, and 5.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by BowTied Opossum

Much appreciated Opossum. 2 and 5 are what we've been discussing internally so we'll focus there.

Keep up the good work here.

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Hi there. Thanks for all your content, very insightful!

I’m just getting into the website and affiliate game. I think the content stuff would my strengths but I don’t know anything about the technical aspect of Wordpress or code.

How important is this to succeed? Do you think you could learn as you go or should I invest time in learning?

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Learn as you go. You don't need to learn how to code. Now a days, everything is self hosted and you can heavily rely on CS of your host for backend support.

On the front end, WP makes it easy. Learning to read JS and HTML is helpful and can be learned as you go.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by BowTied Opossum

Thank you!

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What are your thoughts on these e-commerce “gurus” I’ve seen popping up all over the place. Worth it for a newbie? I’ve seen a lot of ads for this Beyond Six Figures company

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My account is the antithesis of these gurus. Most of these gurus are good at personal branding and social marketing but have no real world experience in actual ecommerce.

Taking a 2 minute look at Beyond Six Figures shows me that he started "mentoring" people in ecommerce at 18 as a freshman in college. What do you think that says about him as a person and his knowledge of ecommerce?

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Totally agree buddy. I Wasn’t calling your account a guru by any means I’m sorry if i came across that way. Another great read and great substack!

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I didn't think you were ;)

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Really depends on the product but yes. There are enormous agencies that drive a large % of their revenue from white labeling digital products.

A lot of them consult for the client, then recommend their white label digital product and arbitrage the difference for years/decades.

I don't have stats, but I suspect the industry is bigger than anyone realizes.

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