I started learning digital businesses on and off when I was younger but never took it seriously as a business. Once I did, I realized how much knowledge I had accumulated over the years. Through teaching interns and analysts, I realized that the biggest barrier to starting your own side hustle is the initial learning curve.
My first ~10 posts are about the *basics* of getting started.
There is an absolute dearth of actionable information all in one place for how to start. This is the biggest barrier to WiFi money.
Why Subscribe to Basic Level
The initial learning curve is steep. The basic level is here to help. The below articles are to get you started.
The Basics of Your First Website - First website on WordPress. If you’re going the ecommerce route, you’ll likely want to go to Shopify. WordPress is still the absolute best for building affiliate sites, stand alone static sites, and for learning.
The Basics of Tracking Utilizing GA, GTM, and GSC - Without accurate data, every action you take is blind.
The Basics of Google Search Console - SEO much? This is where you start.
The Basics of Site Speed - UX and Core Web Vitals foreign to you? Didn’t realize that site speed is a ranking factor?
The basic level newsletter is to build on top of your recently found knowledge. Want to learn about affiliate marketing? There’s a free post on that. SEO, ecommerce, digital analytics, etc. All free posts.
Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update.
If you want the full path laid out for you step by step, checkout Your Path to WiFi Money.
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